Epilepsy results from abnormal and/or irregular patterns of electrical activity within the brain, it begs the question, what brain changes in a refractory epileptic individual can be notice while expose to EEG under CBD influence? Also, if seizures continue to occur, even after CBD has been administered, do seizures appear as generalize or as focal, when analyzed with EEG? Many portions of the brain may be disrupted by a single seizure, creating a challenging problem for epilepsy researchers due to the difficulty of accurately pinpointing potential relationships between abnormal changes in the brain and specific behavioral deficits.
Since epileptic seizures vary both in intensity and frequency; perhaps different parts of the brain may be disrupted or “electro-jacked” during the unfoldment of an epileptic seizure. Some seizures can be violent while others can be very subtle. Perhaps seizures that are violent and often may result in an individual’s temporary lost of consciousness are due to major brain systems such as the limbic system (involved in learning, memory and emotion) or the basal ganglia (involved in movement or motor functions) becoming electrically disrupted as a result of multiple and random electrical miss firing in the brain neural circuitry, creating an overcharged electronic environment that is too strong to be independently conducted through specific axons, perhaps diverging and amplifying electrical current chaotically permeating the brain, and thus producing violent seizures.

What if epileptic seizures that are more subtle perhaps are the result of a specific brain part such as the hippocampus and not an entire system being disturbed? Are the abonormal patterns of electrical activity within the brain observed during seizures due to refractory epilepsy the result of a collective or individual part of the brain becoming electrically disrupted, and do these brain parts become “electro-jacked” in a simultaneous or progressive manner? Even though seizures may vary in both intensity and frequency, can there be a common origin within the brain that is the sole cause of this electronic neural malfunction? Perhaps finding the origin will lead to one day entirely eliminating epileptic seizures in our society.
Source: http://neurosciencenews.com/cannabis-compound-seizures-8569