In our society today, social media has impacted our lives tremendously. Internet usage has had a great deal of influence on how we think. Recently, there have been studies claiming that iPhone usage could be detrimental to our mental health. As research in this area gains more traction, we can discover detrimental effects as well as beneficial effects due to Internet usage. An article in Psychology Today titled, “Brain, Behavior, and Media,” Bernard J. Luskin investigates how the media is psychologically affecting our brains and our behavior by looking at brain research using MRI.
The article discusses the recent development of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). The symptoms include tremors, shivers, nausea, and anxiety. The symptoms of this disorder are similar to symptoms found in other addiction disorders so similar that some professionals believe that IAD is analogous to substance abuse. or behaviors like gambling and eating disorders. Detaching people from the internet or from iPhones can be very difficult. This is typically illustrated in everyday life when students attempt to sneak in a text message in the middle of a class or couples sit at dinner with their phones beside them. Within this addiction, within excessive internet usage, there are mind-altering applications. The effects these devices have our brain however are not always detrimental.
The article discusses the growth of media psychology which is presently being applied as a tool to benefit Internet addicts. Media psychology uses positive messages to enhance the knowledge and public awareness that lead us to positive behavioral changes. Interesting beneficial media effects mentioned int the article are that IQs are rising, we see more girls pursing careers in science, and communication across cultures has skyrocketed. On the other hand, the article cites detrimental effects including a direct link between media stimulation and ADD, there is an immense desensitization to violence, and the average number of sleep hours decreases in an inverse proportion manner to the number of hours per day on Internet use all due to Internet Addiction Disorder becoming more commonly diagnosed.
Furthermore, this is an interesting field of research that presently and in the coming years will be even more prevalent to our society. However, testing hypotheses related to this field of research could be very difficult. For instance, researchers would have to develop creative experiments in order to examine internet use affects on different parts of the brain.