Thursday, October 29, 2015

Memory and the Power of Repetition

It's no secret that improving our memory is a hot topic nowadays, with cutting edge science being applied to attempt to come up with all sorts of drugs that may help you remember that little detail that is on the tip of your tongue.  These products may be inaccessible to the average person, but there are a few tricks which can be used to improve one's memory.  One in particular is a simple technique which you may already be familiar with, if not by name.

Spacing is the technique of improving a specific memory through the use of repetition.  It's a simple and intuitive idea which entails that repeatedly focusing on a specific memory will strengthen that memory.  There have been multiple studies lauding this particular idea.  One such study pitted a memory strengthened through spacing against a separate memory.  The repetition resulted in a greater memory compared to the unimproved memory.  (Belluck 1)

Spacing might be best suited for students.  The vast amount of information which students have to learn and recall can be rather overwhelming at times.  Utilizing spacing would require the student to go over their information and study very much in advance of the exam, compared to the common tactic of cramming.  Cramming can work, but repetition can lead to better grades.

Belluck, Pam. "Memories Weaken Without Reinforcement, Study Finds." The New York Times. The New York Times, 16 Mar. 2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.


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  2. I also agree spacing is very important and essential to recalling information better. I can attest to this because spacing has worked for me. During my freshman and sophomore year I did not know any better and crammed all of the information nights before exams, and I'd find myself having a hard time recalling information, that I thought I knew. After making the mistake of cramming (especially for cumulative exams) I learned my lesson and try to make a routine of studying class material for at least two hours each day and my test grades have improved. SPACING WORKS!
