Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Empathy Connection To Other Classes

I am currently also enrolled in Anth 103, Biological Background of Human Social Behavior, and I remember that earlier this year we went over the concept of Empathy. Empathy is not only important for enchantment in social behavior, rather it is important for survival as well.  There are times when we will try and help other because we empathize with their problems or pain they are experiencing.  This is even true with our non-human ancestors. There was an experiment we spoke of in class where the monkeys were in different cages and only one of the monkeys would receive food, and over time these monkeys started to share food with those who did not receive the food. When the researchers alternated, and they started to give food to the monkeys that did not receive it at first; they as well as started to share the food with the monkeys who shared with them previously. At first it was due to empathy that the monkey’s decided to start sharing with the other ones, however, when the researcher alternated to the other monkeys it was due to reciprocal altruism. So, the Decety’s paper discussing the fact that empathy has an evolutionary basis is in fact true because even our common ancestors as per the example showed empathy towards each other. Moreover, this is true when we watch the movies, we find ourselves tearing up at moments when the character is going through something that is emotionally compelling.  In addition when I used to volunteer at the hospital, I remember the coordinator stated that we all should try and empathize with the patients rather than sympathize. This indicates that we as humans are more likely to respond to others when they are empathetic rather than when they display sympathy towards us. So, empathy is very important as it can be of benefit in a survival situation or just be a small helping hand that makes you feel better. 

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